CSU With Religious Symbols

Survey Results 2024

0 %
of all respondents reported that they would be likely to engage first-hand with this initiative.

In The Community

Surveys show support for this Initiative within the greater CSU community

To measure the greater community’s support for this project, we hosted a survey to collect data from our community. We received positive feedback overall and had an impressive 440 respondents made up of our students, faculty, staff, and Fort Collins community members.

Respondents were asked to rate the importance of this initiative on a scale of 1-5. The averages of all responses are shown above.


Average personal importance rating from students for having solicitation-free spaces for discussion.


Average importance rating for increasing educational opportunities to learn about various beliefs and traditions in our community.


Average personal importance rating for programming that celebrates diverse beliefs among students.


Average community member rating for the importance of improving relationships between CSU and the larger community.

Graph Key
A. Holding solicitation-free spaces for discussion; B. Educating about different beliefs; C. Programming that celebrates diverse beliefs; D. Improving/Expanding reflection and prayer spaces; E. Improving relationships b/w CSU and community; F. Creating network that can support in crisis/transition